The Constitution of the Berkshire Museum Camera Club
Article 1
This organization shall be known as the Berkshire Museum Camera Club. The club shall be affiliated with the Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. A majority of the meetings shall be held at the Berkshire Museum.
Article 2
The aims of the Berkshire Museum Camera Club shall be the enjoyment, mastery, and furtherance of photography through cooperation, effort, and good fellowship. Meetings shall be open to the public whenever considered appropriate by the Executive Council.
Article 3
Regular meetings shall be held during a period of at least eight consecutive months each year beginning in the fall and ending in the spring. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Executive Council.
Article 4
Any person seriously interested in photography may apply for membership. Application forms shall be provided by the Treasurer. Membership of any person may be revoked, for good and sufficient reason, by a majority vote of the Executive Council. In such event the person’s dues shall be returned.
A person may appeal the revocation of his membership, in which case the action of the Executive Council shall be upheld or rescinded by a majority vote, with secret ballot, at the next scheduled meeting.
In order to qualify for club activities, including voting, which are restricted to members, a person must have his dues paid up to date.
Article 5
The membership shall elect four officers and four councilors. The officers small be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Article 6
The management of the club shall be vested in the Executive Council. It shall consist of the four elected officers, the four elected councilors, and the most recent Past President. It shall meet as often as necessary to transact the business of the club and may also deal with club issues through email and telephone calls.
Article 7
The President shall appoint the chairs of the standing committees established under the By-Laws. He/she shall also appoint the chairs of any ad hoc committees determined to be necessary by him/her or the Executive Council and shall discharge them when they have completed their assignments. The Vice President shall be named chairman of the nominating committee. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Article 8
The terms of all elected officials shall begin immediately after the last regular spring meeting in the year of their election and shall end with the last regular spring meeting one or two years later, depending upon their term of office. The last “Regular Spring Meeting” is also known as the “Awards Dinner”. The year shall begin July 1st and end June 30th.
Article 9
Amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws may be proposed by any member at a regular meeting, provided written notice of the proposal is submitted to the President at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. Further, amendments proposed by the Executive Committee can be proposed and discussed via “email”, prior to any of our “off season” Executive Board meetings, so that the changes may be discussed and finalized at those Executive Board meetings. That will allow the Executive Board to disseminate the FINALIZED, proposed changes to the membership, at least two weeks prior to our first “regular membership meeting”. In that way, the new amendments can be voted upon, by the general membership, at that first regular meeting. The Executive Council shall prepare a critique of the proposal and a recommendation in favor of or opposed to its adoption. An expression of sentiment of the members at the meeting shall then be obtained. If a majority of those present oppose the proposal, it shall be dropped. If a majority favor it, written notice of the proposal shall be delivered to all members at least three weeks in advance of the next regular meeting. At that meeting, a two-thirds vote of those present (or submitting votes by letter) shall be necessary to amend the Constitution and a majority vote to amend the By-Laws.
Article 10
A quorum of the membership for the purpose of conducting club business shall consist of not less than one-third of the entire membership. A quorum of the Executive Council shall be five members.
Article 11
All business meetings of the club and Executive Council shall be conducted in accordance with H. M. Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article 12
The club may be dissolved if it is no longer possible to satisfy the Aims defined in Article 2. The procedure and requirements for dissolution shall be the same as those for an amendment to the Constitution. In the event of dissolution of this club, all money and property not disposed of at or before the final meeting shall become the property of the Berkshire Museum.
Amended – June 2009
Amended – June 2008
Scanned into digital format December, 2003
Retyped in 1989
Amended – March 1973