Hi Club Reps and Presidents
At our last NECCC Keeping Clubs Active meeting we decided to create a photo opportunity for all members.
Please forward the following information to all of your members.
Get your cameras out!
All individual members of any of the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) camera clubs are invited to participate in a fun and free Pandemic Inspired Photo Showcase! This event is designed so everyone can participate from their own homes. There are five categories and only one photo may be entered in each. You can enter photos in as many categories as you like, from just one to all five, however, you can’t enter the same photo in more than one category. All photos must have been taken in 2021.
Pandemic Partners
In the Safety Zone
My Life in Black and White
This is your chance to get creative! A category’s “meaning” is open to your interpretation! Let’s have some fun with this! Everyone who participates and enters at least one photo will then be eligible to select their top favorite in each category. The one catch is you can’t choose your own entry.
Even though this showcase is focused on individual participants, the NECCC camera club with the greatest percentage of members participating will be recognized. Encourage your fellow members to submit their photos too!
Upload your photos from April 5-21, then choose your favorite in each category from April 22-30. Fan favorites will be announced on May 4.
Find more details and the complete timeline at https://photo.NECCC.org
It will be fun to see what everyone comes up with!
NECCC Showcase Committee,
NECCC Showcase Committee:
Antoinette Gombeda
Chane Cullens
Liz Champeon
Loretta Paul-Goldin
Michael Karchmer
Rhonda Cullens