Log In Log Out VIRTUAL PORTAL BMCC will be hosting several “virtual meetings” in upcoming weeks. Below is the current schedule. More content is coming… *All meetings are Tuesdays @ 7:00pm, unless otherwise specified. March 31 – Introduction At 6:30pm, I’ll try to help people with any technical snafus they may have before the official meeting starts at 7:00pm. The meeting will center on using the Zoom platform, followed by… April 7 – Dodge and Burn Bruce will go over dodging and burning using two different techniques in Photoshop. April 14 – Watermark Signatures Jim Smith – Take your images to the next level with your own personalized watermark signature. April 21 – Competition “Doors” Images for “Doors” get judged, scores are announced, and feedback is given. April 28 – Blending Bruce will demonstrate how he uses the various blending tools in Photoshop.