For me, I think the most challenging competition of the year was (and still is) the first one: Volunteering. Calling or going up to strangers, asking if I can intrude in their lives, and stick a camera in their face while they try to go about their daily routines. As an introvert, I can tell you that I was far, far outside my comfort zone for that one. But I was glad to do it, because it broadened my horizons. It gave me an opportunity to stretch myself and to get at least somewhat comfortable in environments I wouldn’t have been in at all otherwise.
For several people in the club, I’m pretty sure the most challenging competition was Long Exposure. Most of you prefer using your cameras when you can see, when you can use auto-focus, when you can actually trust your camera’s meter, when you don’t have to use a tripod. Perhaps you found yourself having to do more processing than you’re usually comfortable with?
With full understanding and appreciation of the challenges faced and overcome, Allow me to start the slow movie clap that gradually turns into thunderous applause. If you competed, congratulations on building enough confidence to be able to share your efforts with the group. For those who didn’t compete, perhaps you did some practice shooting or read an article or two trying to convince yourself to do so? If that’s the case, then congratulations on testing the waters and opening yourself up to the possibilities of a whole different world of photographic opportunities. I hope you don’t stop now that the competition is over, but rather give yourself further chances to experiment and play. Play? Yes. And I mean it in the best way possible.
Anyway, Thad Kubis judged Long Exposure and did a good job of providing feedback. Winners for prints are below, though I never snapped a shot of the digital winners this time around, so those aren’t here.
B&W Prints:
- 1st – Bruce Panock, “Cloud and Water Texture”.
- 1st – Lynne O’Connell, “Pre Dawn Vik Iceland”
- 2nd – Lynne O’Connell, “Magical Aurora Borealis”
- 3rd – Lin Lambert, “A Little Sugar With My Strawberry”
- 1st – John Mathys, “Under the Trail of the Harvest Moon”
- 2nd – Xing Ning Zhao, “Shanghai”
- 3rd – Shaker Barn, “Janet Pumphrey”
- No meeting on the 20th, as we just had it.
- Sometime the last week of February, we’ll be taking down the museum display and updating it with the new display of Long Exposure prints (digitals can be printed and brought in).
- March 6 is our next meeting and people will submit images for a GENERAL theme. On the same night will be our speaker for Urban City Scape/Scenes.