Hello internet. Welcome to another post of the ins and the outs of our camera club. There’s been quite a bit happening and things are speeding up as we near the end of another season. I’ll be brief as possible, knowing how very, very long this post will become otherwise.
Our Urban theme was judged by a man who needs no introduction. Scoring was– Peter Baiamonte. That was his name. So much for no introduction… Scoring was low, but consistent, and Peter had plenty of feedback for most of the images.
Today’s First Friday Artswalk is HOT this month! Our General Theme prints are on display in the museum in our familiar spot. Linda Lambert has paintings on display in the lobby of BMC (reception is 2-4, before the usual Artswalk time). Bruce Panock has a photo display about “Water” on display at RJ Stohr’s. Janet Pumphrey is part of the group display “Photographers as Impressionist” at Dottie’s Coffee Lounge. That is a lot.
April 17th is our Member Workshop. The first half will include a simple “shoot”, highlighting the thought process to avoid common weak shots, various tricks of the trade, and briefly discussing the exposure triangle. The second half will be more computer focused, showing my typical routine in Lightroom (concepts, if not pieces of the workflow, can carry over to other programs), and touching on the Blending Modes found in Photoshop.
May 1st is the Member Showcase for people to show things they have been working on or are proud of. It is also the deadline to get in your End of the Year photos. That includes your entries for Pharmer and Fowler. Lynne sent an email, so I won’t get too detailed right now, except to say:
- You can submit up to 2 images in each of the usual categories (digital, b&w print, color print) for a maximum of 6 images. These images must have been submitted earlier in this club season and must be submitted in the same category they were originally in.
- You can also submit 2 images in Pharmer (children) and 2 images in Fowler (nature). These images do not have to have been submitted yet this year, but they do have to be prints. For Fowler, we follow the NECCC interpretation of “nature”, which is “no hand of man”. In other words: No roads, buildings, chainsawed trees, etc…
- The existing display should have come down and been put back up in the past day or so. This was due to the museum’s mounting board warping and pulling away from the wall. The museum should have by now replaced the boards and put our current display up again.
- The Monday/Wednesday before the 1st Friday of the month, we will bring our prints in to the museum and the museum will be taking on the task of arranging/hanging them for us.
- Instead of putting your information on the back of your prints, email Bruce with your contact information and so he can create cards for them.
- Bruce also requests you include in the email a thumbnail of your print, so he can connect the proper information the the proper image. It is also suggested you mention the month of the competition the images were from (in the email subject) to make things easier to find and sort.