The Member’s Showcase was beautiful, just beautiful. I mean that big league, I really do. It was huge. No covfefe in that showcase. None. And do you know why that is? It’s because we are determined, you and me, we are determined to make photography great again.
Our May 1st meeting started in an unfamiliar room at the end of an unfamiliar hallway. After the search parties returned and everyone was accounted for, we began the meeting. End of the Year prints were collected. Then politics. Nominate, second, and “Aye.”
After the EOY banquet on May 20th at Zucchini’s, the next President will be… Umm… Me? “I’m President? Hey, I’m President. Can you believe it?” I’m not going to have to start wearing a hat, am I?
We had three showcases for the evening:
Janet Pumphrey discussed her multiple exposure workflow. She passed around prints for viewing, had a slide show outlining her step-by-step process, and answered many questions along the way. A PDF of her presentation can be found HERE.
Jean Driscoll introduced us to some of her views and vistas in San Miguel de Allende; the colorful architecture, the churches, the hot air balloon rides that practically land on your balcony.
Bruce Panock shared more of his ongoing project, where he captures the beauty in his every day surroundings. This dangerous lamp still makes me worry.
Aside from politics and showcases, it was observed how many of our members have done (and are doing) displays and exhibits in various venues lately. If I get details wrong or leave anyone out, please let me know. As I remember it though:
- I may not have built a wall yet, but currently have my Disorienting Reflections display on walls at RJ Stohr until May 29th or 30th.
- Xingning Zhao has a display at the Williamstown library until, I believe, the 11th.
- Michael Bufis, Lynne O’Connell, and Bruce Panock all have work that will be part of the Art of the Hills juried exhibition at the Berkshire Museum on display from June 2 to September 3.
- Janet Pumphrey is part of the continued display Photographers as Impressionists at Dottie’s Cafe.
- Janet Pumphrey had an image selected by the Southern Berkshire Chamber of Commerce to go on the cover of their annual directory.
- Both Bruce Panock and Janet Pumphrey have work appearing in the Artful Mind Gallery in Lenox.
Keep up the good work, keep having fun, and hope to see as many of you as possible at the End of the Year Banquet!