Another season with the Berkshire Museum Camera Club has begun. We just had our first meeting this past Tuesday, have an updated website, and have a handful of announcements and events coming up. As I write this, my brain is a bit mushy, so I’ll try to keep things relatively to-the-point to avoid rambling too far off course.
Thad Kubis spoke on the topic of Out-of-Camera in the auditorium. As promised notes and links from the presentation are available, but with a slight hitch. There are two PDF’s. The first has working links to the sites he referenced in the presentation. The second includes his speaking notes, but the links don’t work. For some reason, the notes and links refused to be in the same PDF, so that’s where we’re at… What I would suggest is that if you missed his presentation, start with the PDF with Thad’s notes, as these are the notes he was using to remember what to say, hence they’ll give you a good idea of what he actually said along with the slides. Be sure to follow-up with the links for deeper understanding and more examples.
The spirit of the Out-of-Camera competition is basically to see what you can do with your camera, without needing to resort to fixing/adjusting it later. Exposure, white balance, level horizons, etc… Let’s try to get it right straight from the camera. There are a few modifications that are allowable, of course, to make it possible to submit your images. For example, I doubt anyone has a camera that outputs at a resolution of 1024×768, so something like that would have to be done on the computer.
The new website is up and running! I still have to finish the Competition’s page to set up the tables for results of the competitions, but otherwise it’s mostly done. It’s a work in progress and I’m open to feedback, so if you have any thoughts, pass them my way. The Member List on the site is for anyone who has a photography site they’d like linked up, so send me your information if you want to be added. The Schedule not only includes the dates of our meetings, but also links to our judge’s websites and I’ll occasionally toss in an extra date or two as the season goes on.
Speaking of extra dates... Monday, September 24, weather permitting (ie- not totally clouded over), I will be on Mount Greylock for the sunset (6:37pm) and moonrise (7:01pm). Anyone else who wants to join is more than welcome. Bring your cameras! Tripods help, if you have them. If anyone needs a ride to get there (or are able to give a ride), contact me. Should be good for sunset, twilight, and a full moon rising with just enough twilight lingering to make exposures/focusing easy to do. Due to the bright moon, I won't be doing much for long exposures this time around, but next month at a different location I hope to do something. I'll want to reach the top of Greylock by 6:00pm, so I'd be leaving Pittsfield by 5:30pm.
October 2nd (Tuesday) is our next meeting and the deadline for prints in our first General competition (6:45pm) of the season. The digital deadline is October 5th (Friday), to allow for people who don’t sign up for the club to get into the digital submission form and still have a chance to compete. For Digital Submissions, you can find the link to the form on the Competitions page.
Show and Tell Also on October 2nd, you are encouraged to bring in photos you’ve been working on that you’d like to show to the group. These do not have to fit into any category and are not being judged (unless you specifically ask for critiques). If a lot of people bring things in, we may have to limit the time/number for each person, so be flexible, but I’d like to get in as many people/photos as possible. Bring them in as prints or on thumb drives/SD cards so we can project them.